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Make It a Grateful Christmas

Even if you don’t celebrate Christmas you can’t ignore that it is a special time around the world. You can’t ignore either that this 2020 Christmas is different from previous ones due to the challenges that humanity has gone and still going through, however, let me take this opportunity to go back to basics and remind you that even in the worst moments and even in the worst situations there is always something good, this is the principle of existence.

Everything exists in relation to something else, there is no day without night, there is no noise without silence, there is no good without bad and so on. This is the principle of yin and yang, the two basic energies in everything that we know (and even in what we don’t know). There is always some yin within the yang and some yang within the yin, and yin and yang are always seeking balance.

When yin and yang are balanced, everything is perfect, the problem is that nothing in the universe is static, everything changes and as it changes it generates yin and yang imbalance.

The good news is that you have the ability to promote yin and yang balance and you can do it simply with your mind. For this reason, no matter how bad 2020 has been for you, there has to be something good so look for it, focus on it, and be grateful!

The more you focus and feel grateful for the good stuff in your life, even if it is very little, the more you enhance it and balance out the not so good stuff. This is one of the very simple techniques to promote yin and yang balance to be better, to do better and ultimately to be happier.

Contact me if you want to learn more techniques to improve your life. In the meantime, Merry Christmas…Make it Grateful to Make it Merrier!

Make a Wish Upon The Star of Bethlehem


On December 21st 2020, a rare meeting between two moving stars (as known in Chinese Metaphysics), or planets (as known in Western Astrology), will take place. This encounter happens only once every 20 years and we will have the fortune to see it.

Jupiter, known as a wood star in Chinese Metaphysics, representing growth and abundance, and Saturn known as an earth star, representing responsibility and control, will come so close to each other, that we will be able to watch their proximity and experience ripple effects during the following next two decades.

If the sky is clear we should be able to see a very bright star when these two planets merge, because when they do it looks like one star. This powerful phenomenon is linked to the STAR OF BETHLEHEM.

If all this sounds intense, because it definitely is, fortunately it is the kind of intensity which is very useful to make big and positive changes in our life, if the energies are intentionally directed correctly.

After a year of challenges, this cosmic encounter should be a reason to be consciously optimistic about the future!

This phenomenon will happen on the Winter Solstice that stands for the starting point of a new year, amplifying its effects and making it a PERFECT TIME TO MAKE WISHES.

For best results of your WISH(ES) first you need to GAIN ABSOLUTE CLARITY.

  • Write down what you want to achieve
  • What needs to be done
  • What’s blocking you from achieving it
  • Who can help
  • What skills could you need

Wish for help in those areas and spend as much time as you can during 2021 working on them because YOUR CONTRIBUTION IS IMPORTANT.

The time and direction to make your WISH(ES) should be between 7-9 pm (your local time zone) on December 21st, 2020, with your eyes looking towards the southwest one direction (one of the three southwest directions in Chinese Metaphysics). If you don’t know where is that direction, pull out your smartphone compass and look to 210 degrees. When making your WISH(ES) you may close your eyes, light a candle and meditate.

The zodiac animals that will be more intensely affected by this celestial encounter will be Rat, Dragon, Monkey and Snake, but all other zodiac animals will also have the opportunity to benefit from it and make their WISH(ES) come true.

If you don’t know what zodiac animals you have in your birth chart, plot your chart HERE, you have four zodiac animals so the possibilities are endless!

Would you like to know what else can you do to make your WISH(ES) come true? Contact me to discuss. Happy and Prosperous Winter Solstice!